Free Cooperative Apartments |

Statistics of cooperative apartments

Last 30 Days

Total number of listings


Active Listings


Average price

1,592 CHF

Average number of rooms


Maximum price

4,730 CHF

Minimum price

420 CHF

Daily new and active listings

Price range by number of rooms

Distribution of the number of rooms

Distribution by weekday

Listings per city (Top 10)

Top 10 Cooperatives

Cooperative Total number of listings
Unbekannt 69
Stadt Zürich 50
Logis Suisse AG 37
FAMBAU Genossenschaft 24
Wohnstadt Bau- und Verwaltungsgenossenschaft 21
Stiftung PWG 20
Siedlungsgenossenschaft Sunnige Hof 14
GWG Gemeinnützige Wohnbaugenossenschaft Winterthur 13
Wohnbau-Genossenschaft Nordwest wgn 12
Gemeinnützige Baugenossenschaft Limmattal (GBL) 11

Listings per canton

Heatmap of listings